
Firenze4ever Dinner Party

Just before entering in the event

Live performance dancers

The photo credits belongs to Haritini and Amy, thank you girls!

One of the many hidden gardens of Florence
VIP picture :)

Daniele Cavalli is a DJ, and a really good one

For me the most beautiful girl in the party

Who told you that "animalier" means animal print?

The venue choosen for the closing dinner of the event was the Natural History Museum La Specola. The atmosphere was very inviting and welcoming, the food was very good (especially the risotto with pine nuts) and the music was fantastic. Little surprises have been happening throughout the night, as the performance of dancers that interacted with the guests, the discovery of a hidden garden on the first floor of the museum and the variety of people I met from various nationalities and with completely different styles.
Some celebrities from the world of bloggers were seen at the party but the uproar was so great that I preferred to let the night run smoothly in the company of my blogger friends. Amy from Sage Sea blog you already know from my previous post, Haritini from the blog the SoHo Symposium I met her right in the beginning of the party and a bit later we ended up making friends with Fosco Giulianelli from The Fashionist, Chrysa from Stories and Sequins blog (yes she is the one who won Luisa’s contest to attend the Style Lab), Katie Fourtouni from Style on Book and Dimitris who unfortunately ended up not being in the picture.
It was a very interesting experience, living with the best of international bloggers, thanks to Luisa Via Roma!
If you want to know more details about the party, just write me, I would be delightful to answer your questions.

O local escolhido para o jantar de encerramento do evento foi o Museu de História Natural La Specola. O ambiente estava muito convidativo e acolhedor, a comida era muito boa (especialmente o risotto com pinhões) e a música estava fantástica. Pequenas surpresas foram acontecendo ao longo da noite, como a performance de bailarinos a dançar e a interagirem com os convidados, a descoberta de um jardim escondido no primeiro piso do museu e a variedade de pessoas que conheci de várias nacionalidades e de estilos completamente diferentes.
Algumas celebridades do mundo dos bloggers foram vistas na festa mas o tumulto era tão grande que preferi deixar correr a noite calmamente na companhia dos meus amigos bloggers. A Amy do blog Sea Sage vocês já a conheceram do meu post anterior, a Haritini do blog the SoHo Symposium conheci-a logo no inicio da festa e mais tarde acabamos por fazer amizade com o Fosco Giulianelli do blog The Fashionist, com a Chrysa do blog Stories and Sequins (ela sim ganhou o concurso da Luisa para participar no Style Lab), da Katia Fourtouni do blog Style on Book e do Dimitris que infelizmente acabou por não sair na foto.
Foi uma experiência muito interessante, conviver com os melhores bloggers de nível internacional, obrigada Luisa Via Roma!!
Se quiserem saber mais sobre a festa ou se tiverem alguma pergunta que me queiram fazer, escrevam-me, será um prazer contar mais sobre a festa.

5 comentários:

  1. bellissimo blog! partecipa al nostro giveaway!!! http://thetailorisdead.blogspot.com/2011/06/bernard-delettrez-giveaway.html

  2. all of you look great!what a beautifull event :)i really like your blog.i am following you.it would make me very happy if you followed me back if u want :)

  3. I am already participating in the giveway, thank you Tailor!

    Thanks Despina! I'll pass by your blog, don't worry!!

  4. love it!
    you were grate!
    check out my luisaviaroma's party photos!


  5. Love your blazer
    I follow you
    you follow me back at http://freakdelafashion.blogspot.com/
