
Jamie Chung

Jamie Chung is the beautiful actress who plays Lauren, Stu’s fiancée in "The Hangover II" movie. Some people may find her face familiar and they are right. Jamie stars in the famous female action movie, "Sucker Punch" where she plays Amber.
I went to see "The Hangover II" this weekend and the beauty of Jamie Chung called so much my attention that I had to find out more about her and the truth is that I really liked her personal style. In my opinion she has the potential to be an "it girl", what do you think?

Jamie Chung é a belíssima actriz que faz o papel de Lauren, a noiva de Stu no filme "A Ressaca II". Há quem ache que esta cara não é estranha e com toda a razão. Jamie entra também no famoso filme de acção feminino, "Sucker Punch" onde faz o papel de Amber.
Fui ver "A Ressaca II" este fim de semana e a beleza de Jamie Chung chamou me tanto a atenção que fui procurar saber mais sobre ela e a verdade é que gostei muito do seu estilo pessoal. Na minha opinião tem potencial para ser uma "it girl", o que acham?

2 comentários:

  1. She's really gorgeous and has a great sense of style, but I didn't enjoy the movie that much. I think she's definitely go potential!


  2. I really think that she has potential too!! In these cases the first movie is always the first. It's more unexpected! ;)
